As the editors of the farthest north literary magazine, we’ve chosen an unconventional, expansive place to live. That, too, is what we seek in your submissions. We look for clarity and text that exemplifies an understanding of each genre's conventions without shying from the vulnerable, the difficult, or the bizarre.

We only accept previously unpublished work. We accept simultaneous submissions, but let us know if your submission is accepted elsewhere as soon as it does. Please submit only one submission at a time. Please also note that we charge a $3 fee for submitting online, which helps offset some of the journal’s expenses.

We only accept submissions by mail IF you provide a return envelope with a stamp so we can mail our reply to you. Our mailing address can be found on the Contact Us page of our website. Email submissions will not be read. 

We make every effort to respond to submissions as promptly as possible. Please wait 6 to 9 months before enquiring about the status of your submission.

Thank you for submitting and for your interest in Permafrost.

Ends on $3.00

We look for stories that reveal some understanding of the world we are living in, even if the work is speculative, and with a vibrant sense of place and character.

Fiction submissions may include one piece of up to 8,000 words or up to three flash pieces (less than 1,000 words each) in each submission.

We welcome novel excerpts (also up to 8,000 words), so long as they stand alone.

Ends on $3.00

We like work that uses hybridity to rethink language and genre. Stories in verse, speculative nonfiction, graphic essays, excerpts from your comic book or graphic novel, sound play, and any other experimental or multimodal texts are welcome.

Hybrid submissions may be up to 8,000 words.

Please ensure you have the necessary copyrights if you use audio and/or visuals. Hybrid work does not need to be double-spaced; please submit it as you would like it to appear.

Ends on $3.00

We seek essays by writers who are willing to wrestle with language and experiment with form. We have a soft spot for place-based writing, flash and micro memoirs, prose poems, hermit crab essays, or anything that pushes the limits of the fourth genre.

Nonfiction submissions may include one piece of up to 8,000 words or up to three flash or micro pieces (up to roughly 1,000 words each) in each submission.

Excerpts (also up to 8,000 words) from book-length works are welcome, so long as they stand alone.

Nonfiction work does not need to be double-spaced; please submit it as you would like it to appear.

Ends on $3.00

We’re looking for fresh language and imagery, both with an element of risk. We like both experimental and conventional poetry, including traditional forms.

Poetry does not need to be double-spaced; please submit it as you would like it to appear.

Please only submit up to five poems at a time.

Ends on $15.00

Back issues of Permafrost can be ordered for $15 each (please specify the issue and volume number). Please look at the Print Issues page on our website for information on past issues. 

Please note that only one back issue can be purchased at a time. To purchase multiple copies, please complete this form multiple times or see our website for mail order instructions.

Permafrost Magazine